Friday, August 01, 2008

the 'They Say' group

Do you know that often times in the church, places of employment, schools, etc. there is a large, often disgruntled, contingent of people that no one ever sees. They may not be able to see them, but boy do people listen to them and repeat what they are saying. That is the unseen group called “The ‘They Say’ Group.”

I have encountered them over the years in my experience here at the Vine. In fact, when I first came here I set out what I called ‘21 Rules of This House.’ When I shared them with the church I also told them we were not going to tolerate factions, egocentricity (the world moves around me, and in ministry it is all about me which causes people to get bent out of shape), and we would not listen to the unseen group called the ‘They Says.’

You have heard about them in conversations with other people. Because they will quote them often, “Well, you know what they say…!” You may ask that person who the ‘they say’ are and you will notice the blank look on their face because they can’t identify them or are unwilling to. So, with that said you should discontinue the conversation!

Listen, nothing of significance is ever accomplished by the ‘They Say’ Group. In fact, quite the opposite generally happens with strife, confusions, contention, disunity, etc. being but a few of their results!

A group closely associated with the ‘They Say’ Group is the ‘Anonymous Group.’ They too may mean well but they conduct their conversations, letter writing, behind the scenes ministry, anonymously.

I can find no place in Scripture where we are called on to deal secretly. We are Children of the Light! The Bible says let our ‘Yes be Yes and our No be No!’ In other words we are to own up to what we say and think! We are to allow someone to quote us if they are going to repeat us! We are to sign our name to all correspondence or notes that we send! Away with ‘don’t tell anybody I said that’ or anonymous notes.

We can all benefit from open discourse and an open exchange of ideas. But, if we don’t follow these rules we will be destroyed by the incessant picking of the ‘They Say’ Group or the ‘Anonymous’ Group.

Eph 4:2-3 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace(NIV).

We are all called on to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace! All of us should make this our endeavor too and not be part of these groups.

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