Monday, May 02, 2011

Hail or Hell ???

Living in Texas I believe in Hail? Why? I have experienced it firsthand! I have held softball size hail in my hand (yes, I was foolish and ran outside to pick one up as others fell around me leaving divots in the ground!). I have had to replace my roof twice as well as our church's roof. I am a believer!

I am also a believer in another kind of hell! I have not experienced it and really don't plan to! I do believe those who have described it, personal accounts from the Bible of those there and what they are experiencing, and how those there don't want any of their loved ones to follow them there. (Lk 16:19-31, notice red letter words!) Hell was designed for the Satan and those that want to follow him there! Their choice!

Much has been discussed recently about Hell with the publishing of Rob Bell's bold book 'Love Wins.' The discussion has been on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, videos, Fox News, Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and now the cover of Time Magazine. I could add my 2 cents worth, but choose not to as there are those that have done a most adequate job. Check this link for a good overview and thoughts,....

I do believe the Bible, Jesus' frequent discussion of hell, the Revelation account of the end of all things, so just so you know, I believe in a literal Hell! I believe in personal salvation through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. To accept His atoning sacrifice gives one heaven and to refuse it gives one hell! That is the impetus for my preaching and going into all the world to share this glorious gospel!

I am not moved by other's arguments or opinions! We as Pastors are to be good communicators and what we say people should be able to understand it, not cause confusion by it. Maybe sometimes our sound speech is not clear! Titus 2:1, 7-8.

Here is a cute story that my friend Carrie Sims Burnett recounts regarding her son Cade:

When the Arlington sirens went off yesterday we drove to an undercover place for car shelter and Cade was terrified! Later to find out this morning as to why he kept saying he hated "the devil." He thought Hell was coming instead of Hail!! He thought the devil was coming! poor baby! LOL..

Don't be caught misunderstanding the difference between Hail and Hell!

1 comment:

dude said...

Thanks Bro'. I am grateful that God so loved the world...and that I have freedom to choose that love!