Monday, July 31, 2006

Another Sign of the Times!!!

Coffee lovers beware!
Coffee chuckle:
I met someone in the elevator who was drinking coffee and complaining about how coffee made him nervous. I said why don't you quit drinking coffee. He said, "because if I didn't have the shakes I wouldn't get any exercise at all."

Friday, July 28, 2006

The 'Missables' in Church

There is a sad fact of church life, there are people who can be gone for a while and no one realizes it.

One pastor was confronted by a member who had been out for several weeks and not received a visit from the pastor.

"How do you explain this?" The man said angrily!

"I don't know." replied the pastor. "I can't explain why your participation in this church is so low or non-existent that you can be gone for weeks at a time and not be missed by anyone. Have you seen our volunteer sign up list?"

It amazes me that someone would consider it someone else's responsibility to make sure they are at church. Barring illness, which means they should call for the elders of the church for prayer, no one has an excuse for why they miss church nor can blame anyone else but themselves.

Church attendance is important enough for there to be scriptures relating to the matter:
Heb 10:24-25 In response to all he has done for us, let us outdo each other in being helpful and kind to each other and in doing good. Let us not neglect our church meetings, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. (TLB)
There are immense benefits from meeting together. I stress to our saints that our gathering together each time is like a family reunion. It is a time of rejoicing, encouraging one another, and loving on each other. It is a time for the Word of God to be preached in a relevant, life changing and encouraging way. It is a time to honor God with our worship.

I don't know how people would want to miss out on that. But, the missables do!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Different Kind of Church Guest-

As a pastor I get many letters. Some are encouraging and some are well, quite disturbing. In all my years of pastoring I have never received a letter from someone who was a guest at our church. But here's a first! They didn't stay but sent the following letter some months later:

Dear Pastor and Church Family,
So many times, people go through churches, and for one reason or another, they decide not to remain and leave without saying anything to the pastor or the people of the church who have been so kind and giving to them. Unfortunately and regretfully we find ourselves guilty of this, and we would like to say to your church family that we are very sorry.

As we believers look around trying to find God's will for our lives in terms of a church home, it's easy to think only of ourselves and not consider how people coming and going may affect all of you who dare to share your hearts with visitors. A short time ago, our family visited your church. You graciously opened your arms and hearts to all of us. If we left, selfishly saying nothing to you, please forgive us for our inconsiderate behavior.

May the Lord bless your "house" and may He give you the grace to consider us your friends.

Wow, what a gracious and loving letter. I have had people who have been members for years up and leave and never say a thing. This restores my faith that there are people out there that are sensitive to the Holy Spirit, know how to walk out Christian love, and depart on good terms thus maintaining friendships.

We all can learn from this letter-- Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Another GREAT Block Party!

Last night we had another of our monthly summer Block Parties. This had a beach theme with the giant water slide (yes, I did go down it a few times; no, I will never grow up!), wading pools, hotdogs, watermelon, door prizes, and of course some Beach Boys music, among others.

We had people from the neighborhood visit us and join in the fun, win some door prizes, and check us out as a Church.

We had a great group working the event. They are true servants indeed!

I love pastoring this great church!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Tribute to Marj Massey

This week is the Liberty Fellowship Summer Family Conference at Lake Junaluska in beautiful North Carolina. Debi and I were to attend there with some of our staff (they are there now). We were to fly out on Sunday. I am writing this from Arlington as Debi and I were not able to attend because of the events surrounding a very important person in our lives.

I had the great honor of having one of the oldest living Cystic Fibrosis patient as a member of The Vine. Marj Massey was small in frame and seemingly frail, however she had an indomitable spirit. She was 65 years old when she died this past Saturday. I did her funeral yesterday. She outlived her husband, Winn, whom we buried in 1997, and her mother, Faye, whom we buried this past January.

Marj was an amazing woman! Wish I could tell you all about her but your time and this space does not permit me to do so. If you ever see me, ask me to tell you about Marj!

Pastors spend their lives trying to enrich the lives of others. Very rarely do others try to enrich the lives of their pastors. Marj Massey is one of the few who have enriched my life. She was more than a church member, she was my friend, a part of the Kerr family, a Godly woman, a prayer warrior, and one who loved, esteemed, and encouraged me. She will be missed by me in many personal ways.

Marj was a Rock, founded upon THE ROCK.

R- she ran her race to completion- she persevered in the midst of CF, diabetes, anemia, and other ailment's.

O- overcomer- she overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of her testimony. She was a conqueror over the ravages of these diseases.

C- committed- she was committed to the Lord, her church, extending the Kingdom, and a soul winner. She led countless people to the Lord.

K- kind- to Marj everyone was her favorite. When you were in her presence and alone with her, she made you feel as though you were the most important person in the world. She was generous with her food (she and I would have liver and onions together!), her time, and her resources.

Marj Massey was an extraordinary woman for this generation. I honor and love Marj!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

35th Wedding Anniversary- Just Perfect!

Debi and I enjoyed our 35th Wedding Anniversary on St. Thomas.

From the condo, pool, beaches, silver convertible, food, coffee, and of course romance! I won't bore you with the details, but you can ask.

Everyting was perfect, mon. (Island talk and spelling)

Perfect, Just Perfect!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Who needs fireworks for July 4th?...

Click here to visit site with video and info...
...when you have Mentos and Diet Coke. Turn on sound-Enjoy!