Thursday, March 29, 2007

'Hi Dave' - bye Chris!

”I think it’s bye-bye, curly,” predicted Simon Cowell, before the results were announced last night on American Idol. And so it was!

As a rule I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories. But hey, who didn't see this one coming for Chris Sligh.

After last week's shout out, 'Hi Dave.' Chris' humor was lost on the judges and producers.

So I expected that he would be gone.

Chris, great run and we love and appreciate you.

BTW- here is his official blog written and maintanined by Chris. Accept no substitutes!

1 comment:

Yekwana Man said...

I haven't even heard him sing yet. I teach in the Bible Institute on Thursday night when it is on. Sort of cool that we know their family through our mission.