On Dec 23rd I preached on the 'Dirtiest Job of all Time!' I used the theme from Mike Rowe's 'Dirtiest Jobs' and preached about the dirty side of Christmas. We have sanitized Christmas with the manger scene, scenes of snow, choruses of Peace on Earth, when in fact that night there was a lot of unpleasantness meeting Mary and Joseph. It was in to this down and dirty side that Jesus was born. The main dirty job was to destroy sin and only He could do that dirty job! You can listen to it here.
The picture above will help you see what a week we had during Christmas. The numbers will correspond to the below list:
1. Jason, Charity, and Ryan
2. Our annual Christmas morning breakfast of biscuits and gravy at Harry and Arleen's home. We were joined by the Dale Huff's.
3. Harry and Arleen opening presents.
4. Ryan and Charity opening presents at our home.
5. Debi's new cool shoes.
6. Jason's new Head Racket.
7. Santa left something big (42") for the family.
8. We hosted Christmas dinner for our family, the Harry Huff's, the Jeremy Huff's, and the Ken Allee's. We had a house full and gave presents to the children.
On Friday afternoon we went for the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert at 3pm. Believe it or not, it was a 3 hour show! Awesome!
So, it has been a busy but fulfilling week with family. Sunday was a great day at the Vine. I am enjoying having time to relax with Debi. Ryan and Charity have returned home and Jason is in Costa Rica visiting a friend from CFNI and her family.
Thank you for visiting this blog, reading it and taking time to comment. May the Lord bless all of you with a great, fruitful, and prosperous New Year.