Monday, December 03, 2007

Absurdity #32 - Family Trees or Christmas Trees????

Lowe's spokesman Chris Ahearn: "Let me reiterate my apology that we had an advertising error that created a stir."

He said the corporation's formal response was that the nationwide chain "is proudly committed to selling Christmas trees this year, as it has done for more than 60 years."

The company said the posting of an ad for "family" trees" was an error in publication that "was not caught before the publication was distributed."

"Lowe's … is disappointed in the breakdown in the proofing process," the company said.

The company recommitted to referring to Christmas trees as Christmas trees in television and magazine ads as well as advertising flyers.

How 'lowe' can you go? It must be December again and people don't know how to handle a Savior born into the world!

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