Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Word in Season-

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in network of silver. Pro. 25:11

"For I have put both of you in this place indeed, and it has not been easy. Many don't see failures and disappointments ... and voices who said, "I am with you indeed," only to turn their backs and walk away, you see.

I have hidden you in the depths of this place, indeed, that you would not get in the polluted stream, you see.

I have saved you for My glory and My honor indeed. So be encouraged this day and know and see that I will raise you up in this hour indeed and I will raise up a people who will come with thee.

For there are those who only wanted the ticking of their ears indeed-- and only wanted great projects for their family, you see. "What is your outreach that we may want to stay?" ... indeed, but you did not forfeit worship, or the presence of God, you see, and because of your faithfulness, I am faithful to thee.

For I tell thee that there is a lever that my hand is already on indeed, and I am about to pull the lever and release a river from my throne indeed, that is pure, and holy, and awesome full of power indeed.

You shall go back to the vision I have you indeed! You will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed indeed. You will break the stronghold of the enemy, you will open blind eyes, and declare who I am indeed.

For I tell you-- you would not settle for the GIFTS, indeed, but my PRESENCE became your priority...and because of it, I have anointed lives indeed.

Now, watch my gifts flow through thee: words of knowledge, and words that will set people free.

You will declare to the captives "come and let me touch you" indeed and I tell you REVIVAL will come to this place indeed.

For I have measured out a territory that belongs to thee. You will take a city and SET THEM FREE! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Glory!"

Word to David and Debi Kerr
delivered by Mary Ann Brown
September 21, 2008
at The Vine Fellowship
Arlington, Texas

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