A scriptural warning was issued not to be lords over God's heritage or flock:
1 Pet 5:3Having been an Army Drill sergeant, I know what lording it over or to be domineering is all about. Peter said that leaders were not to treat God's people that way. And yet the abuse continues of God's people! We as leaders stand in dire consequence of judgment for how we treat the flock of God. Remember it is His flock not yours, your are just an undershepherd of the Great Shepherd.
Don't be tyrants, but lead them by your good example...(TLB)
...not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock.(RSV)
I have been guilty of being a lord over some, arguing, hurting, and the like. Over the years I have repented and taken a different tract as a Pastor as I have come to understand what my Pastoral role is in caring for God's people.
A pastor is one:
1. Who speaks into peoples lives. He is to feed the flock of God.
2. Who doesn't make decisions for people.
3. Who doesn't TELL them what to do. (Unless what they plan to do is in flagrant violation of Scriptures, and then you urge them to stop.)
4. Who is a resource for them to draw on. If you come to me seeking God's direction about a matter, and you share the matter with me, I'll draw on my years of experience and the lessons I've learned in life and from the Word, and offer you my counsel, and will pray for God's way to be made clear to you.
5. Who demonstrates the 'Agape' love of God no matter what His people do to you or how they treat you. A Pastor doesn't retaliate, harm, try to get even, nor hurt one of His.
6. Who always goes the extra mile to help God's people even when they have harmed you; you always have open arms to recieve them back.
7. Who never gives up on His saints.
8. Who is available and approachable.
9. Who is never too busy!
10. Who stands as a great example to the flock of God by living above reproach with regard to gals (sexual purity), gold (responsible with finances), and glory (no pride or desire for fame)!
11. Who places the care of his personal family as utmost importance because they are his 'first church.'
12. Who maintains a fresh, passionate, up-to-date relationship with the Lord of his calling.
There are more and I encourage you to add to the list. May we walk out our Pastoral Call with the utmost care and concern for God's people and be great examples to them.