Monday, September 18, 2006

Great Weekend of Ministry!

(Click pic to enlarge)

Judy Russell, wife of George 'Buster' Russell (Life Gate Church in El Paso, TX) ministered to our ladies of the Vine at their annual retreat this past weekend. She ministered under the power of the Holy Spirit not only preaching a dynamic word but also spending time with each woman praying and prophesying over them. Lives and wives were radically changed!

I asked her to stay over and preach on Sunday morning at our two services. She consented and ministered a great word about not allowing the enemy to steal the seed of destiny that God has placed in each one of us. At the end of each service she prayed for men, women, children, and husbands and wives. We started the second service while she was still praying and she stayed praying for people after the second until 2:30pm that afternoon!

Weeks and months as well as eternity will tell of the great impartation that took place through her ministry.

Thank you Judy for a job well done!

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