Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Life in a Fish Bowl

One thing about living in a fish bowl- there is no where that someone can't see you. No where to hide! You are always on display. There is always someone watching you.

That is the way ministry is; you are always on display! Someone is watching your every move. There is no grace for you if you slip up, after all, you should never slip up!

When I was a candidate for the Pastorate here at the Vine, there was a man on the Pulpit Search committee who had been a city manager of an area town. While interviewing me and asking very personal questions he stated that he was a public servant and his life was open to everyone and "so is a pastor's life!" Welcome to the open fish bowl of pastoring.

Paul knew we were being watched and conducted his life with that in mind. In fact he rose to the challenge by telling people to follow his example:
Follow my example , as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Cor 11:1 NIV

We as ministry leaders need to understand the nature of our calling to live before men in a fish bowl. When we like Paul understand the nature of ministry, we will endeavor to walk in a way pleasing to the Lord and not allow our actions or speech to bring a reproach to Christ.

I find the following verse one that speaks to how we conduct ourselves:
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, Eph 5:15 NKJV

CIRCUMSPECT stresses the surveying of all possible consequences before acting or deciding; watching one's life, looking at all the angles, guarding yourself.

WISE vs FOOLS- I believe that speaks for itself!

All this means as leaders we have to watch over ourselves at all times. We do live in a fish bowl and we have to remember:

Somebody is watching you!

1 comment:

Dawn Irons, Ph.D, LPC-S said...

If I get regurgitated by the cat would someone please pick me up, rinse me off and drop me back in the bowl? A humbling lesson, but she can be taught!
