Thursday, November 23, 2006

A 'Thank You' note from Ted Haggard

Eddie and Alice, please tell your list "thank you" for praying for Gayle and me, and our family. We desperately need prayer. Our hope and prayer is that this horrible situation, which was created by my awful sinfulness, will demonstrate to everyone how God can take a wicked man like me, turn my ashes into hope, and put some flesh and life onto these dried bones.

I, the greatest of sinners, pray that my story will provide more living proof of how Jesus' redemptive and transforming power, works together through the Church and the Word of God to bring restoration. Even with all of this, I believe that in Him there is a tomorrow.

Jack Hayford is the point person leading my restoration to Christian living. Please pray for him as well.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving,

Ted Haggard
"We are Easter People"
From email I received sent to Prayer Partners by Eddie and Alice Smith from US Prayer Center.

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