Monday, June 25, 2007

Absurdity #24- Porn on Rise Among Evangelicals?

absurd-ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous

A new survey shows that five of ten Christian men in the U.S. -- and two of ten Christian women -- are addicted to pornography. The survey was conducted by, an online Christian Internet community.

Bill Cooper, president of, says there is an escalation in Internet pornography addiction among evangelicals. The survey found that 50 percent of men who regularly attend church are addicted to pornography, and 20 percent of female churchgoers are also addicted. The Internet has made it easier for people to get trapped in pornography's grip, Cooper explains.

The survey also found that 40 percent of women admitted to being involved in sexual sin in the past year. In addition, 60 percent of women who answered the survey admitted to having significant struggles with lust. Cooper admits he found those results surprising.

"Most of us don't typically think of women as having sexual problems," he shares. "We typically think of men as the ones who are into pornography or the ones who are lusting or maybe having affairs. But that's the part [about the survey] that really surprised us the most."

Those are startling statistics. How is it that we who have been set free are now being ensnared again?

Need to put some safeguards in effect:

Computer in open area-

If not, door left open-

Internet Filters-

Parental and spouse supervision-

Make a pack with spouse that there are no hidden secrets-

Make a pack with God to set a watch over your eyes and heart-

Desire to flee youthful lusts-

What are you doing to protect yourself and family?------ leave comments.

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